Class Policy
1.Standard membership is free and eligible to students who register full semester programs at our central club.
2.Student must complete and signed the registration and consent form and arrange payment before the class. And agree to the full term of Class policy, Safety rules, Consent to Media/Declaration and Waiver and Code of Conduct
3.SAFETY - Students MUST wear the gear at all time unless specified. Students will not be allowed to participate in combat without the gear. *(see policy regarding gear)
4. Before joining external competition, consult with Coach Team first. External Competition policy can be found in members code of conduct. If any students enroll competition without prior notice and using other club name, no coaching service will be provided and all private lesson will be suspended.
4. In the interest of the student/attendee’s safety, Fencing Master reserves the right to cancel classes when a venue is deemed dangerous due to inclement weather.
No refund/credit/make-up when classes are cancelled due to bad weather.
Amber & Red Rainstorm/ Typhoon No. 1 or 3
Class operates as usual
*Parents can make their own decision for their child to attend the class or not. Please be aware there will be no refund/ make up classes available
Black Rain
TYPHOON 8 or above
When Black Rainstorm/Typhoon No. 8 or above is to be hoisted within 2 hours, all classes will be cancelled unless otherwise confirmed with coach in whatsapp
No refund/credit/make-up when classes are cancelled due to bad weather.
Classes will resume two (2) hours after Hong Kong Observatory lowers/remove the signal to T 3 or to yellow /red rain
*Parents can make their own decision for their child to attend the class or not. Please be aware there will be no refund/ make up classes available
Please arrange payment before class, student will be refrained from attending the class if no registration/payment is arranged.
5. Cancellations
Not sufficient amount of enrollment
HK fencing master reserve the right to cancel the program or adjust the DURATION of group classes if there is not enough participants for particular program and we will arrange the students to attend another program.
Administrative Fee on Class Change Request | Withdrawal of class
withdraw from it before the course commence - 20% course fee + credit card charges. No refund for withdrawal after course started.
Students must remain in the same class until the end of the term. An administrative fee of minimum HK$500 or 20% of class fee (whichever is higher) + Credit card charges (if any) will be made for special circumstances, subject to the approval of Fencing Master.
All class change is subject to approval of Fencing Master after considering class situations, including but not limited to, class availability, open class, wait-list and make-up class students, partnering location, etc.
6. NO MAKEUP Lesson/No Refund
There is no makeup except for all students from all class type and locations. Special makeup only available for those registered for FULL TERM at Fencing Master Central Club
It is student's responsibility to arrive private and group classes on time, there will be no compensation for any circumstances.
Please arrive on time for your scheduled private lesson. If the student is late and the coach has subsequent appointments, there will be no make up or refund on the missed time. This is to avoid affecting coaches schedule which lead to disruption of other students . Thank you for your understanding
NO transfer of credit to next term
7. Make up procedures (for FULL term students only)
Eligible for make up (including sick leave)
1) Full term students means register for all session in the semester
eg if you have registered 17 out of 20 class is not considered as full term students.
2) LEAVE Notice 24 hours in advance- Leave application form or in writing to "info@hkfencingmaster.com"
3) Max 2 FREE makeup for advance notice including sick leave with Dr certificate for Fall and Spring Semester . max 1 make up for Summer.
Sick leave must have doctor certificate. Sick leave 80% class credit will be issued for taking the class this term
4) Complete online makeup request form 14 days before the make up class date, Sick leave without certificate will be subject to admin fee of HK$ 200. Our decision is final.
5)There will be no make up class for missing a class due to external competition without 24 hours advance notice
6)No make up for NO SHOW/ SHORT NOTICE (less than 24 hours)
IMPORTANT : To be fair to coach, last minute leave application or sick leave witout DR certificate, no show will NOT be entitled to any makeup. (policy applicable to all students including FULL TERM students)
8. PRIVATE LESSON - in addition to above policy
In order to be fair for coach and students reserving their time schedule, following policy will be applied
8a. SCHEDULE - Confirmed dates must be made 3 weeks before the 1st class.
Reschedule must be made 24 hours in advance to "info@hkfencingmaster.com" and subject to admin fee of HK$200 as the coach has already blocked that session and will not be able to take other students.
Sick leave with dr certificate 80% class credit will be issued.
8b. Payment - PAID in full 2 weeks before 1st lesson of each cycle, We will release the time slot for other student's booking if no payment is received by deadline.
8c.Attendance - Must commit to 3 class per month, ie max 1 times of leave in a month (sick or anyother reason ), No compensation of time if the student is late. There will be 50% admin fee in case of NO Show or less than 4 hours cancellations.
8d Venue fee if any is bearable by students
8e. Students must wear proper uniform for private lesson.
By participating in private lessons, you grant us permission to share notable student achievements and competition results on our social media platforms. However, please note that if students choose to participate in a competition using another club's name, their private lessons may be temporarily suspended.
Please register all group and private classes online in order to receive online registration discount/online registration package rate. There will be no discount offered/admin charges apply for manual registration.
Billing is made on every semester (18-20 session per program per semester).
Payment must be settled in full 2 weeks in advance before attending the class. Fencing Master has the right to refuse student attend the class if the invoice is not yet settled.
No refund can be made on ALL enrolled programs. If the students missed any class, there is no refund. Makeup class for Private lesson is subject to the cancellation policy above,
Adjustment to fee if any for unusual circumstances (eg in the case of the death of the student during the semester) is at discretion of FM and will be subject to administration fee no less than 20% - 30%.
Safety and Gear
Parents MUST purchase and settle all payment dues on EQUIPMENT 2 weeks before class start, otherwise there will be possibility no equipment will be available during day 1
All students are required to wear uniforms in accordance with Fencing Maser policy. No undergarments are to be worn. Fencing Master has the right to refrain students from joining our classes if proper uniform is not worn.
All equipment purchase will ONLY be processed when all invoice amount is paid It takes 7-14 working days to process equipment order, please ensure purchase settlement well in advance. no exchange can be made if worn no refund on all purchase of gear
In light of the current regulations, all guests entering the facility would need to comply with the rules as specified here related to COVID/Vaccination requirement; Failure to comply would result to NO ENTRY to the facility
For more information regarding the vaccine stages, and current practices, please follow us on instagram and government guides https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/vaccine-pass.html -
A weapon can only be pointed at another person when that person wearing the mask and is ready to match Keep weapons pointed at the floor when not fencing.
Keep equipment tidy and out of the way when not in use. Inspect your mask and weapon every time before you use them Stop immediately when you see somebody is hurt, and report injuries to Coach immediately.
Non-fencers and parents are not allowed to stay in the fencing area.
Food and beverages are not allowed in the fencing area.

Waiver of Liability and CONSET TO MEDIA
Declaration/Waiver of Liability
I understand and appreciate that participation in a sport carries risk of serious injury. Hong Kong Fencing Master (hereafter Fencing Mater or HKFM) has made me fully aware of the fitness programmes which they offer and in which I agree to participate myself or child which i signed up on behalf. I hereby assume all risks of injury and I hereby release the Fencing Master and staff from any liability and agrees to the following terms
I understand that physical exercise can be of a strenuous nature and may push me to the limits of my physical abilities at times. I recognize and understand that the programme is not without varying degrees of risk which may include, but are not limited to the following:
Injury to the musculoskeletal and/or cardio respiratory system, which can result in serious injury or death.
Injury or death due to negligence on the part of myself, my training partner, or other people around me.
Injury or death due to improper use or failure of equipment.
Injury or death due to a medical condition whether known or unknown to me
I therefore accept financial responsibility for any injury that I may cause to either myself or to any other participants. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Fencing Master, their employees or volunteers for liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in activities offered by Fencing Matser.
I have fully read and understand the foregoing assumptions of risk and release of liability, and I understand that by signing below it obligates me to indemnify that parties named for any liability for injury or death of any person and damage to property caused by my negligent or intentional act or omission.
I agree that I am or the person i am signing on behalf with is voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risks of injury, illness or death.
I understand that by signing this form I am waiving valuable legal rights and I acknowledge and understand its content and that this release cannot be modified orally.
If signing in behalf of a child under 18
I, the undersigned, declare that my child / children are physically fit to participate in the training organised by HKFM. I understand that my child / children are participating in the said activity at their own risk and I shall bear full responsibility for any consequences that may arise during the course of the said activity.
I also give full permission for any person connected with Fencing Master to administer first aid deemed necessary, and in case of serious illness or injury, give permission to call for medical and surgical care of the child and to transport the child to a medical facility deemed necessary for the wellbeing of the child.
This agreement shall be binding unto me, my successors, representatives, heirs, executors, assigns or transferees. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, I agree that the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full legal force and effect
I am fully aware that HKFM or staff in the above-mentioned activity accept no formal responsibility or liability for any injury or death caused to my child / children during the said activity.
I fully understand all rules of the venue for the above-mentioned activity and I / my child/ children’s dependents / representatives will fully and completely be responsible for the safety and behavior of my child / children.
I hereby release and discharge from liability the HKFM and/or staff present during the above-mentioned activity from any claims that my child /children representatives, my child children dependents, or I may have for any injury or death so caused to my child /children.
Consent to Media
By your attendance in class or events at HK FENCING MASTER, you are granting your permission for photographs/videos of my child to be used for publicity or promotion of HKFM programs
Parent's sharing of achievement in social media
Our coach spend a lot of time and dedication to our students, we will appreciate all the positive comments of our coach hard work in any social media.
We reserve the right to terminate the membership, for any act on social media which regard as disrespectful of our coach (including giving credit to other coach over our HKFM coach)