We would like to take a moment to Thank You for a great year of CCA. Due to the wonderful choices Stamford offers, our son Nicholas has found a sport he is most passionate about~Fencing. Head Coach Kin of HK Fencingmaster together with his talented team, have motivated and inspired Nicholas to become an enthusiastic Fencer. Throughout the two terms, Head Coach Kin has taken the time to nurture and guide him. Along with the very organized and caring Coach Jina, they have created an environment for Nicholas to thrive in. Their assistance and guidance go well beyond school hours. This has made the transition for Nicholas easier and continues to challenge and strengthen him. We are very grateful for having this professional team as part of our CCA experience and are looking forward to another great year of fencing. With sincere appreciation,
Coach Kin and his team have been very professional, caring and passionate about teaching my son and students. The program is well structured and coaches have been giving constructive feedback to the students. I believe very soon there will Stamford School Fencing team to compete in inter-school competitions. Very soon there will be Stamford students who get rewards from external competitions. Bryan and other students have put in lots of efforts in the last year to get to the current stage. Not only they learn fencing, they also learn discipline, team spirit and also sportsmanship. Coach Kin and his team is a valuable to our students
Professional coach and amazing team.Not only teach the best fencing skills and also builds body,mind and self-confidence for students.It is life changing experience for my kid, coach Kin taught the students so much and always show his patient,love and care for the team, we are so grateful to have him here.
When we signed up for fencing CCA, I did not think it would turn out to be such a serious sport for Vance. Vance joined in the 2nd semester of last year was very quickly very enthusiastic about the sport. This is substantially due to Coach Kin and Coach Jin; even though Vance started late, coach Kin was very encouraging and inspired him. Coach Jin personally called me to discuss how Vance could catch up and we arranged a shared private lesson with another student. This took a lot of time arranging from week to week as we live in Shatin and the other kid lives in Discovery Bay. I was deeply touched that as I was still unsure, Coach jin did not push me to do a private lesson for Vance alone. She and Coach Kin believed that it was better for Vance to share a lesson so as to have company and a sparring partner, and she was willing to go the extra mile to handle the logistical nightmare; it would have infinitely been easier for her to just have each of the kid do a private lesson separately. I attend the lesson once in a while and once, I observed to Coach Jin that Vance was not volunteering for matches during the lesson. I asked Coach Jin to have Coach Kin ‘push’ Vance more. She dis not reply me immediately. She discussed with Coach Kin the facts and gave me feedback that Vance had played 4 matches and it was perhaps tiring for Vance, and that Coach Kin did not want to push the kid too much. In all of this, I see a sincere and caring attitude from the coaches, unlike many third party operators, it is not just a business. I end by saying that Vance has definitely benefited from Fencing CCA under Fencing Master. He is so motivated and even agrees to go for Combat Night on Saturdays even though he has the private lesson on Saturday morning. I have seldom seen my son so motivated in anything he has joined so far and so I believe that Fencing Master is doing a great job. If you have been to Combat Night, you would witness the mayhem - it is not an easy event to arrange and yet they arrange it almost weekly, free of charge. I think this tells clearly of the dedication of the coaches, they are committed to the kids acquiring the skills and experience. And as far as third party operators are concerned, may I add that my daughter in another school had also joined a CCA down jointly with a third party. The experience was totally different, and disappointing. We are so grateful that School has found such a good partner/